Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Psalm 46:10: Be Still and Know I Am God".

Strong words just heard by Chris Mileski on 93.7 WDJC, When You Rest, God Works.

That reminds me of "Psalm 46:10: Be Still and Know I Am God".

I know that I got frustrated in the hospital last week when we could not get my Calcium Levels to start showing signs of picking up. I finally said to myself that My God and my Dr's know what they are doing and that my body would start to show signs of improving....not in MY Time, but God's Time. I found out that I needed to stop worrying about it and turn it all over to God and let Him be the Healer of my body.

As I sit here now and think about the next 4 weeks off work, I have to remember that my body needs to heal and that I need to STOP and let God work wonders within me. I have always been on the go and a schedule person. I am going to take this time away from work not to let ANY stress get to me and sit back and reflect on my life. I am starting a journal of my life of this year with the findings of my illness and finding out how sick I really am and did not know it.

The online journal will be made public as soon as I gather all my notes that I have been keeping and I want to be a VOICE to show others that I may not look sick on the outside, but my inside is really sick.

Stay tuned and watch for my journal and see what I have been going thru and what God is doing to me
feeling blessed.

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